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2024_07_0 Release Notes

Release date: July 23, 2024

The release notes describe changes to Storefront for this release, including new features and enhancements. In addition to these changes, Instacart continually updates the platform to improve accessibility, performance, and stability and to ensure the best user experience for your customers.

New features

The following new features are available in this release.

Use image tile carousels to link to content on your storefront site in a visually appealing way. Image tile carousels can be added to your custom homepage or to content pages and take up less vertical space than banner carousels.

The following image shows an example of a What’s new image tile carousel, with image tiles for Chocolate treats, Meal inspiration, BBQ essentials, and Pizza:

Shows an image tile carousel with the heading "What's new". The tiles contain images and are labeled as "Chocolate treats", "Meal inspiration", "BBQ essentials", and "Pizza".

You can customize the following properties of the image tile carousel:

  • Carousel title. (Optional) The title of the carousel. This text displays on the storefront as the carousel header.
  • Tile images. Image dimensions must be 80x80 pixels. When customers click a tile, they are directed to the destination that you set.
  • Link text. The text that displays on the image tile.
  • Destination. The destination the tile will take customers to when clicked.

You can also set visibility conditions for the image tile carousel to ensure that only certain customers can see the carousel. You can set conditions based on the platform a customer is using, their login status, or the store locations they are viewing.

For more information, see Slots and creatives.

Use quick link carousels to highlight links to useful or common destinations for your customers. Quick link carousels can be added to your custom homepage or to content pages and take up less vertical space.

The following image shows an example of a quick link carousel with links for Recipes, Coupons, Account, and Instacart+:

Shows a quick link carousel with four pills containing links. The pills are labeled as "Recipes", "Coupons", "Account", and "Instacart+". The "Recipes" pill contains a book icon to the left of the text. The "Coupons" pill contains a scissors icon to the left of the text. The "Instacart+" pill contains the Instacart+ logo to the left of the text.

You can customize the following properties for each quick link pill:

  • Carousel title. (Optional) The title of the carousel. This text displays on the storefront as the carousel header.
  • Link icon. (Optional) The icon that appears before the link text on the pill. Select from a list of icons compatible across devices.
  • Link text. The text that appears on the pill.
  • Destination. The destination the link will take customers to when clicked.

You can also set visibility conditions for the quick link carousel to ensure that only certain customers can see the links. You can set conditions based on the platform a customer is using, their login status, or the store locations they are viewing.

For more information, see Slots and creatives.

Draft campaigns

You can now save campaigns as drafts and continue to edit them later. Drafts created by you and your team members can be found in the Draft tab of the Campaigns & offers tool.

In the Draft tab, you can search for specific campaigns that you want to continue editing, or you can sort them by the campaign name, the date the campaign was created, or the date the campaign was last updated. Once activated, the campaign moves from the Draft tab to the Published tab.

The following image shows an example of draft campaigns in the Draft tab of the Campaigns & offers tool:

Shows the Campaigns & offers tool with the Published and Draft tabs. The Published tab is selected and displays three active campaigns.

For more information, see Campaigns and offers.


The following enhancements are available in this release.

Enhanced Buy it again experience

Enhanced the Buy it again experience to include the following enhancements:

  • Added the ability for customers to remove items that they no longer want in their Buy it again experience.

    The following image shows the product details page with the Remove from “Buy it again” option:

    Shows an item tile for a chip product, including the product name, pricing details, and stock levels. The "Remove from "Buy it again"" option is annotated.

  • Implemented a consistent user experience for customers with little or no order history.

    The following image shows the text that appears for customers with little or no order history:

    Shows the empty state with the following text: "Reordering will be easy. Items you order will show up here so you can buy them again easily." Also includes a link to browse aisles.

  • Added the ability for customers to group items by dynamic aisle groups in a single view. Previously, customers could filter by a static set of aisles.

    The following table illustrates the change:

    Shows the Buy it again experience with the "Frozen", "Deli", "Bakery", "Babies", "Snacks", "Product", and "Canned Goods" group options annotated.Shows the Buy it again experience with the "Your aisles" group option annotated. The page displays items sorted into the "Meat & Seadfood" and "Deli" aisles groups.
  • Added the ability to group items by past orders.

    The following image shows the Past orders grouping option:

    Shows the Buy it again experience with the following group options: All items, Your aisles, Past orders, and Saved. The Past orders group option is annotated.

For more information, see Buy it again.

Retailer department rule for building dynamic collections (Storefront Pro 5)

You can now create dynamic collections that sort products based on your retailer-defined departments. Departments must be defined in the catalog file to use this rule. For more information, see In-store product locations.

The following image shows an example of a dynamic collection created in Instacart Platform Portal using the Retailer Department rule. The Quinoa and Sunflower Seeds departments are selected.

Shows the "Products" window in Instacart Platform Portal on the dynamic collections builder. The "Retailer Department" rule is selected. The "Quinoa" and "Sunflower Seeds" departments are selected.

For more information, see Dynamic collections and Create a collection.

Super Saver delivery option

Added a Super Saver delivery option for customers without an Instacart+ membership. This delivery option offers customers free delivery on next-day delivery windows.

The following image shows an example of the Super Saver delivery option at checkout:

Shows the checkout screen with the Super Saver delivery option.

Address step in the sign up flow

When customers sign up for an account, they are prompted to provide their address. Previously, the storefront site did not require an address.

For more information, see Sign-on experience.