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Product tags

Tags are product attributes that can help organize and identify products on your storefront. Tags appear throughout the customer journey as filters on various pages and as labels on item tiles.


Product tags are used in the Dietary Preference filter when customers search or browse your store.

The following image shows a search results page with the Dietary Preference filter highlighted:

Shows the search results page with a Dietary Preference filter.

The Dietary Preference filter is dynamic and doesn't appear on every page. The filter only appears within the categories in which they apply. For example, the Fresh fruits aisle displays the Organic dietary preference, but not the Gluten free dietary preference. For more information about filters, see Sort and filter.

Item tiles

Items tiles include labels that represent the product’s tags.

The following image shows an item tile with the Organic and Gluten free labels:

Shows an item with the Organic and Gluten-free labels.

Although you can add as many tags as you want, it is recommended that you use a maximum of six tags per product. The seventh tag starts a second column of labels, which might overlap the product image.


To add tags to products, define the necessary columns in the inventory file. For more information, see Product claims.

The following tags are supported by default:

  • Fat-free
  • Gluten-free
  • Kosher
  • Organic
  • Sugar-free
  • Vegan

(Storefront Pro 5) Additional configurations

To add custom tags, contact your Instacart representative. Here are some examples of other tags to consider:

  • High-fiber
  • Keto diet
  • Lactose-free
  • Low calorie
  • Low fat
  • Low sodium
  • Non-gmo
  • Paleo diet
  • Plant-based
  • Whole grain
  • Vegetarian
  • Local
  • New

After your Instacart representative makes the necessary configurations, you can include custom tags in the product_tags column of your catalog inventory file.


When creating dynamic collections, you can use the Custom Attributes rule to add products based on your product_tags.