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Item tile

Item tiles display information about individual products or an assortment of products. Assortments can be a selection of grocery items or a specialty assortment of items for a catering tray or holiday meal. When shopping online, customers want to see enough key details on the item tile to make a purchasing decision quickly. They also want to be able to add a quantity of the item to their cart from the tile. You can configure how much information appears on item tiles in your storefront.

Your customers interact with item tiles on the homepage or while browsing your catalog, searching for items, or reviewing items in a cart.

The following image shows a sample item tile with some of the most commonly used components:

Shows an annotated item tile displaying Organic Bananas.

  1. Product image. Retrieved from the inventory file. A customer can click the image to open the product details page.
  2. Buy it again badge. Based on a customer's purchase history. Indicates items previously puchased by a customer. For more information, see Buy it again.
  3. Pricing details. Retrieved from the inventory file.
  4. Product labels. Retrieved from the inventory file.
  5. Snap label. (Optional) Retrieved from the inventory file.
  6. Product name. Retrieved from the inventory file.
  7. Product size and price per unit. Retrieved from the inventory file.
  8. Add to cart. A customer can click the quantity icon and specifies how many to add.
  9. Stock levels. (Optional) The stock levels for an item. For more information, see Stock levels.

Items on sale

When items go on sale, both the sale price and regular price display, but the regular price is shown with a strikethrough.

The following image shows an example item tile for an item on sale:

Shows an item tile with the sales price and regular price. The regular price is shown with a strikethrough.


Design your item tile in consultation with your Instacart representative.

  • Product image. Images are always displayed. Refer to the guidelines provided in the catalog instructions.
  • Product labels. Labels are displayed on the item tile. The label uses the global label color.
  • Pricing details. The default price is always displayed when available. The other pricing components are displayed automatically for sales, discounts, offers, or if the customer is a loyalty member.
  • Product names, sizes, and other text. The item tile uses a subset of the global text styles.
  • Add to cart button. Enables customers to add items to the cart. The button uses the global button color.
  • Stock levels. (Optional) You have the option to show the item stock levels to your customers. For more information, see Stock levels.