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Promotional banners

For storefronts that use the default ML-driven homepage, you can add banners to direct customers to your important campaigns or promotions. The promotional banners appear below the search bar of your storefront. You can display different banners on different devices, such as one banner on your desktop storefront and another on mobile apps.


If you are on Storefront Pro 5 and you have a custom homepage, use Creatives instead of promotional banners.

The following image shows an example of a promotional banner with an image and a Shop now box that indicates that the banner links to a collection:

Shows a banner that says "Ring in 2023!" and "Shop Now".

Banners can include the following details:

  • Image
  • Text area that can be displayed to the left of an image
  • Link to a product, department, or collection
  • Link to a URL (by request to your Instacart representative)
  • Devices on which to display the banner, such as web and mobile app
  • Effective period

To keep your homepage fresh, you can create a set of banners with sequential effective periods. When one banner expires, the banner with the next effective period displays automatically.


Create and manage promotional banners by using the Instacart Platform Portal. For more information, see Manage promotional banners.

For the recommended dimensions for promotional banner images, see Recommended media dimensions.