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Ticket statuses

The following diagram shows an example of how a reported issue moves through the statuses:

The workflow shows the changes of status in following order: New, In Progress, Pending Reporter, Pending Support, Pending Engineering, Pending Deployment in UAT, Pending Reporter in QA, Pending Deployment in Production, and finally Resolved.

The following table describes all the possible statuses you might see as your ticket is worked on.

StatusRequest typesDefinition
NewAllA net new ticket that is ready to assign to a team member.
In ProgressAllThe assigned team member is working on the ticket.
ResolvedAllThe assigned team member has completed their actions. Other actions may be required by other teams.
Pending EngineeringAllWaiting for Engineering to investigate a ticket. The assigned team member follows up with Engineering on the issue resolution.
Pending RCABugWaiting for a reporter-facing Root Cause Analysis (RCA) to be created and issued. Used for P0 and some P1 tickets when reporters request an RCA.
Pending ReporterAllWaiting for the person who submitted the ticket to respond with more information. Tickets will be marked as resolved after three attempts to contact the reporter without a response.
Pending Reporter in QAAllWaiting for the reporter to verify a fix. The ticket will close automatically after a set amount of time if no response is received from the reporter. Note that auto-close dates can be shifted depending on the context.
Pending Deployment in UATBugWaiting for a fix to be deployed to the user acceptance testing (UAT) environment. A team member verifies the fix and updates the ticket after deployment.
Pending Deployment in PRDBugWaiting for a fix to be deployed to the production environment. A team member verifies the fix and updates the ticket after deployment.
Pending Feature IntakeFeedbackWaiting for Engineering and/or Product to scope the ticket as an Intake request for net new functionality.
Pending Scheduled ExecutionTaskWaiting for a scheduled day and time to perform an action. The assigned team member updates the ticket status after the action is complete.
Pending SupportAllWaiting for the assigned team member to take the next step.
Removedn/aA ticket is assigned to the Solutions Delivery Team or Project Team for action.