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The Cart widget displays the number of items in the cart. When a customer clicks the Cart widget, they are navigated to your storefront site. Your storefront site accurately displays the number of items in their cart.

The following image shows an example of the Cart widget:

Shows the cart widget with no items in the cart.

Cart widget configuration

The following table shows the default configuration for the Cart widget. To request a change or update to this configuration, contact your Instacart representative.

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
badgeBorderWidthThe border width of the cart badge.2px
badgePaddingThe padding of the cart badge.0px 7px
btnPaddingMobileThe padding of the cart badge when viewed on a mobile device.0px 6px
badge.font-sizeThe font weight of the cart badge.15px
badge.font-weightThe border width of the button.15px
button.widthThe width of the cart button.85px
text.font-sizeThe font size of the cart button.14px
text.font-weightThe font weight of the cart button.700