API keys
API keys are unique identifiers that you use to authenticate your requests to the Instacart Developer Platform. You can create multiple API keys to manage different applications or environments. To create API keys, use the self-service dashboard.
Development API keys
While you are building and testing your application, create and use a development API key. This key enables you to send requests to a sandbox environment that simulates the Instacart Marketplace production environment. The sandbox environment is a safe place to test your application.
Production API keys
After you complete development and testing, request a production API key. After your application is approved and the key is activated, you can use it to send requests to Instacart Marketplace and customers can place orders.
Keep your API keys secure
Treat your API keys like passwords. Keep them secure and never share them in public forums, repositories, or other public places. If you suspect that your API key has been compromised, regenerate it immediately.
Rotate your API keys
To improve security, API keys have expiration dates and require regular rotation. To avoid a service disruption, Instacart will email key rotation reminders at the following intervals:
- Weekly reminders. Sent one month before expiration.
- Daily reminders. Sent in the final 10 days.
Steps to rotate your API key
- Use the self-service dashboard to request a new key.
- Wait for your Instacart representative to approve the key request.
- Once approved, add your new key on your app/website.
- Revoke your old key.
Revoke old or compromised API keys
If you no longer need an API key or suspect that it has been compromised, revoke it. Revoking an API key immediately disables it and prevents further use.
Error handling
If you receive a 401 error message that your API key is invalid, check that you are using the correct key. If you are using the correct key and still receive an error, contact Instacart Technical Support.