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Permissions and scopes

Your retailer configuration includes the list of APIs and capabilities (collectively called APIs) that your organization has permission to use. When your site generates an access token to authenticate with the Connect platform, you specify which API you want to access by setting the scope. The generated access token is limited to that API. For more information, see Generate an access token.

Best practice

When your site requests an access token, limit the scope to the APIs that are required for the tasks that you need to perform with that token.

The following table describes the APIs and capabilities, the scope value, and the grant_type value.

Fulfillment APIAccess stores, service options, reservations, order creation, and order management.connect:fulfillmentclient_credentials
Order Feedback API (backend implementation)Create or update order feedback in a backend implementation.Connect::Orders::RatingServiceclient_credentials
Order Feedback API (frontend implementation)Create or update order feedback in a frontend implementation.Connect::Orders::RatingServicefulfillment_user_assertion or urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:retailer-json-bearer
Recommendations API (backend implementation)Find replacement items or complementary items in a backend implementation.connect:recommendationsclient_credentials
Recommendations API (frontend implementation)Find replacement items or complementary items in a frontend implementation.connect:recommendationsfulfillment_user_assertion or urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:retailer-json-bearer
Transaction APISend point of sale transaction information to Instacart.Noneclient_credentials
Post-checkout APIAccess order detail and order status for a customer's order.connect:post_checkoutfulfillment_user_assertion
Account linkingLink a customer's Connect user account to their Instacart account.account_linkingauthorization_code

Partner retailers may have access to private APIs. In the authentication request, you can specify multiple values for the scope parameter as long as the grant_type is the same for all the specified APIs. Separate values with a comma. If you omit the scope and the grant type is client_credentials, the generated access token provides access to all permitted APIs for that grant type. For a list of scope values, see your partner documentation.