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Generate an access token

POST /v2/oauth/token

Returns an access token. The access token must be included in all other requests as a Bearer token for authentication purposes. Before you begin, ensure you have a client ID and secret from Instacart. You need to pass these values in the request.

Specify the scope and grant type that is required for the API you intend to use. For a list of valid scopes and the associated grant type, see Permissions and scopes.


The token is valid for 24 hours. During this period, reuse the same token in your requests. After 24 hours, you must generate a new token.

For guidance about how to request an access token for different purposes, see:


To reduce the risk of your client credentials being compromised, always send them in the request body. If you pass your credentials as query parameters, Instacart returns an error with a 403 status code.






client_idstringRequiredThe client ID.
client_secretstringRequiredThe client secret.
grant_typestringRequiredThe grant type.
scopestringOptionalThe APIs that this token can access. Default is all the APIs specified in the retailer application configuration.
codestringOptionalThe authorization code.
redirect_uristringOptionalThe redirect URI when the authorization code was generated.
assertionstringOptionalThe assertion.
Best practice

Limit the scope of the access token to the API required for the tasks your site needs to perform. You can specify more than one scope if the grant type is the same. Separate the scope values with a comma.

Request examples

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"client_id": "string",
"client_secret": "string",
"grant_type": "string",
"scope": "string",
"code": "string",
"redirect_uri": "string",
"assertion": "string"


access_tokenstringRequiredThe token to be used to authenticate requests.
token_typestringRequiredThe token type.
expires_innumberRequiredThe number of seconds the token will expire in.
created_atnumberRequiredThe epoch time of when the token was created.
scopestringOptionalThe scope of the token.

Response examples

200 Success

"access_token": "mhtEdMZYPypuW_I0fYken8cAqE7llDaoNefHSeVj9u4",
"token_type": "Bearer",
"expires_in": 86400,
"scope": "connect:fulfillment",
"created_at": 1603897760

Authentication Errors

HTTP CodeCauseErrorDescription
400Invalid authorization code or redirect URI"invalid_grant""Assertion is not provided or invalid assertion provided for the grant_type."
401Invalid client ID or secret"invalid_client""Client authentication failed due to unknown client, no client authentication included, or unsupported authentication method."
403Query Params Forbidden"query_params_forbidden""Providing OAuth credentials as query parameters may cause them to be compromised. Please ensure the credentials are rotated."