📄️ Get vehicle information
Retrieves information about the customer's vehicle. With the make and model, the runner can easily find the vehicle within the store's designated pickup area. With the license plate number, the runner can verify that they have the correct customer before placing the order in the vehicle.
📄️ Create or update vehicle information
Creates or updates the information about the customer's vehicle, such as the model, color, and license plate. When the customer arrives for curbside pickup, retailer employees use the vehicle information to locate the customer and fulfill the order.
📄️ Get pickup instructions
Retrieves a set of instructions for customers to follow when picking up their order from a retailer. Instructions can be created for whichever types of pickup the retailer supports: curbside, locker, or in-store. The instructions can include text and optional images.
📄️ Record customer arrival
Records that the customer has arrived at the retailer location to pick up their order.