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Brand pages

Brand pages are landing pages with content that is curated by the brand advertiser. The brand page appears as a page within your storefront. When implementing brand pages, you retrieve the brand page and then retrieve the blocks of content that appear within the page.

Brand page

The following image shows an example of a brand page within a storefront:

Shows a brand page for Beyond Meats. There is a banner at the top and item tiles for the brand's products.

The following table describes the image sizes for the assets:

Image typeDesktop sizeMobile size
Logo image400 x 200 pixelsN/A
Brand page banner3,200 x 400 pixels3,200 x 800 pixels

Brand page blocks

Brand page blocks hold the content that appears in the brand page. Brand page blocks can be banners or collections. Blocks are retrieved as an ordered list of blocks. When you add the blocks to the brand page, they must be added in the same order in which they appeared in the list.

The following image shows examples of each type of brand page block:

Shows examples of the brand page blocks. The first block is a spotlight product collection called "Big on Water, Big on Flavor" with square product tiles for a selection of Lemon Perfect Lemon Water flavors. The second block is a product collection called "Flavor Lineup" with standard item tiles for the same products. The third block is a banner with a picture of a lemon and some benefits beside text that starts with "Why Lemons?". The last block is a banner showing a hand holding a bottle among a lineup of colorful Lemon Perfect Lemon Water bottles. The image includes callouts.


  1. Spotlight product collection. A collection of products displayed in square spotlight tiles. For more information, see the ItemList object and SpotlightItem object.
  2. Product collection. A collection of products displayed in standard-sized item tiles. For more information, see the ItemList object.
  3. Story banner. A banner with an image and text that spans the width of the page. For more information, see the Banner object.
  4. Section banner. A banner with an image that spans the width of the page. For more information, see the Banner object.

The following table describes the image sizes for the assets:

Image typeTypeDesktop sizeMobile size
Section bannerSECTION_BANNER1600 x 400 pixels640 x 800 pixels
Story bannerIMAGE_STORY1600 x 900 pixels1600 x 900 pixels
Spotlight imageSPOTLIGHT_PRODUCT_COLLECTION600 x 400 pixels680 x 544 pixels