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In-store transactions log


This capability is available with Storefront Pro 5.

If you want to include your in-store sales alongside your e-commerce sales, you can upload in-store transactions logs on a regular basis. For more information about how in-store transactions affect your site, see In-store transactions.

File Format

Apply the following guidelines when you create your transactions log file:

  • Delimiter and file extension. Depending on the delimiter that separates your data, save your file with the appropriate file extension:

    • For comma-separated values, create a CSV file.
    • For tab-separated values, create a TSV file.
    • For all other delimiters, such as the pipe (|) symbol, create a TXT file.

    If you already upload other optional files, you must use the same file format that you use for those files. For example, if you upload an inventory file that uses comma-separated values and the .CSV file extension, use the same selections for your transactions log file.

  • Encoding. Encode the file in UTF-8.

  • Columns. Ensure that the column names are consistent across all files and versions. The order of columns does not have to be consistent.

Upload schedule

As a best practice, upload transactions logs daily. Transfer the files by SFTP to the /tlogs folder provided by your Instacart representative.

Required Columns

The following table describes the columns that must appear in your transactions log:

Column NameData TypeDescription
tlog_idstringTransaction reference number. The transaction number must be unique per transaction, but there can be multiple lines in a transaction. If the file ingestion fails for any reason, the tlog_id is used to deduplicate purchases.
location_codestringStore identifier. This is the location_code that you provided to Instacart to identify a store in the catalog file.
amountfloatAmount paid after discounts.
timestampstringFormat is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS. The timestamp is in UTC.
loyalty_idstringRequired, unless the order_id is included.

A unique code that represents each of your products, such as a PLU or UPC code. For scannable barcodes, use the code on the product itself.

For example, a PLU might be 4066 or 94066, while a UPC might be 00084114108142 or 00504124441282.

quantityfloatRequired for products sold by weight. If a product is not sold by weight, set this field to 0.
unit_quantityintegerRequired for products sold by unit (also called "by each"). If a product is sold by weight, set this field to 0.
line_item_amountfloatAmount paid per item.

Optional Columns

The following table describes the optional columns that you can include in your transactions log:

Column NameData TypeDescription
payment_typecsv string



  1. AUTHCAPTURE is a selected external payment system, such as or First Data.
  2. Any payments related to EBT are labeled as EBT.
  3. Any payments related to the retailer are labeled as HOUSE, such as house-issued cards and gift cards.

total_pointsintegerTotal points associated with an order.
tax_amountfloatAmount of tax paid on an order.
order_idstringStorefront Pro order ID.