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From the intake form, your Instacart representative sets up the e-commerce site. The e-commerce site is launched with password-protection so that you can verify it before the site is launched. You also have a chance to verify the apps before they are available in the app stores.

Instacart testing

Because all standard implementations of Instacart Storefront are similar, Instacart runs basic tests to verify that the implementation is accurate. If any custom capabilities were in scope and implemented, these capabilities receive additional testing.

Retailer testing

You must perform your own testing before you sign off on launch. Your testing should be as robust as you deem necessary.

At minimum, run through the following exercises:

  • Verify the storefront looks as you expected
  • Verify the navigation, departments, and aisles match your catalog
  • Sign up for an account
  • Log in to an account
  • View product details
  • Add items to a cart
  • Check out a cart
  • Place an order for delivery
  • Place an order for pickup (if applicable)

The site is a live production site, so orders will be fulfilled. If you don't want an order fulfilled, be sure to book it for a future date and cancel it promptly.

Reporting issues

If you notice any issues, report them to your Instacart representative. Your representative helps you to prioritize the issues and determine if any of the issues are blockers to launch.