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Create webhooks

Create webhooks for the development and production environments of your e-commerce site. You can choose the events that you want to be notified about.

  1. Log in to the Developer Dashboard.
  2. On the Webhooks Configuration page, click Create New.
  3. Specify the configuration information.
    1. Environment. The environment to create the webhook for.
    2. Configuration Name. The name for your webhook configuration.
    3. Callback URL. The callback URL that is notified of webhook events.
    4. Status. The status of the webhook configuration.
  4. Specify the authentication information. For more information, see Authentication for event callbacks.
    1. Auth URI. The URI that Connect sends authorization requests to.
    2. Client ID. The ID that Connect uses to authenticate with your site.
    3. Client Secret. The secret that Instacart uses to authenticate with your site.

      You cannot use the same client secret for callback configurations in both development and production environments.

    4. Grant Type. The grant type for the token. Use client_credentials.
    5. Scope. (Optional) The permission set on the token.
    6. Resource. (Optional) The resource parameter for obtaining the token.
  5. Select the events you want Instacart to notify your site about. For more information, see Event callbacks.
  6. Click Save.

The callback URL receives the event callbacks.