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Find stores offering pickup

POST /v2/fulfillment/stores/pickup

Returns an array of stores that offer pickup for the customer's location. The list of stores is sorted by distance, with the store closest to the customer displayed first.

A store is eligible for pickup orders when the pickup flag is set to true.

If a store offers alcohol, the alcohol flag is set to true. For more information, see Alcohol compliance.

After a store is selected, save the store location_code. You specify the location when retrieving the list of available time slots and creating an order.


AuthorizationheaderThe Authorization header with the bearer token acquired during authentication.




find_byFind_byRequiredThe location to use for finding the stores.

Find_by Object

One of the following:

latitudenumberRequiredThe latitude coordinate.
longitudenumberRequiredThe longitude coordinate.


postal_codestringRequiredA zip code or postal code can have numbers and uppercase letters only. Omit spaces. For example: "90210" or "M6K3L5".

Request examples

curl --request POST \
--url \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"find_by": {
"latitude": 1,
"longitude": 1


storesArray(Store)OptionalThe returned stores.

Store Object

namestringRequiredThe name of the store.
location_codestringRequiredThe store code, which is used in other requests to identify the store.
flagsFlagsRequiredProperties of the store.

Flags Object

alcoholbooleanRequiredWhether the store supports alcoholic orders.
pickupbooleanRequiredWhether the store supports pickup orders. When pickup is true, the store supports both pickup and delivery. When pickup is false, the store supports only delivery orders.
pickup_onlybooleanRequiredWhen the pickup flag is true, the pickup_only value indicates whether the store supports delivery in addition to pickup. When pickup_only is false, the store supports delivery. When pickup_only is true, the store doesn't support delivery.
long_distance_deliverybooleanOptionalWhether a delivery from the store will be a long distance delivery.

Response examples

200 Success

"stores": [
"name": "Test Warehouse Location 576",
"location_code": "000-33694",
"flags": {
"alcohol": false,
"pickup": true,
"pickup_only": false
"name": "Test Warehouse Location 578",
"location_code": "000-33710",
"flags": {
"alcohol": true,
"pickup": true,
"pickup_only": true

4XX Errors

Error responses return either a single error or multiple errors.

HTTP CodeCauseError MessageError CodeError Meta
400No stores found"Stores not found for the provided request."1001Not applicable
400Postal code not found"Postal code not found."1001{"key":"postal_code"}