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Update site attributes for items

PUT /v1/items/{id}/sites/{siteCode}

Updates the site/store-level attributes, such as availability and price, for a menu item that exists in the FoodStorm OMS.

For more information, see Sites.


AuthorizationheaderStandard Authorization header using the Bearer scheme. Example: "bearer {token}"


idpathstringRequiredA unique identifier for this menu item, defined by the retailer.
siteCodepathstringRequiredThe code of the site this data relates to.


availablebooleanRequiredWhether the item is available at this site.
pricenumberRequiredThe price of the item at this site.
taxHashRequiredThe tax details for the adjustment.

Tax Object

sales_taxnumberRequiredThe sales tax for the item represented as a decimal percentage, such as 0.1 for 10%.

Request Examples

curl --request PUT \
--url '{id}/sites/{siteCode}' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: string' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"available": true,
"price": 1,
"tax": {
"sales_tax": 1

Response Examples

200 Success

// Empty

4XX Errors

Error responses return either a single error or multiple errors.

HTTP CodeCauseError MessageError CodeError Meta
400Item Category Not Found""""Not applicable
404Item not found""""Not applicable